Natural Horsemanship LG-Zaum Bitless Hackamore


This is such a cool bitless/hackamore option from Northwest Natural Horsemanship Center (NWNHC). Often called a pinwheel hackamore, made by LG Zaum of Germany. The pinwheel style cheek allows for ample adjustment and options for noseband, bridle, rein, and curb strap placement. The original leather on this one was very dry and showing some concerning use/condition issues. We’ve duplicated the exact measurements and replaced the leather with VERY soft Wickett & Craig English bridle leather. Since it was only branded on the leather, we have included the original leather with the hack. The pinwheel portion of the hack is in excellent used condition. This is so darn nice and offered WAY less than retail!

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs



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