4.5″ MDC Ultimate Stirrups Irons


Ride in a pair of MDC Irons, and you will quickly find why some of the top riders love, LOVE these stirrup irons. The MDC Ultimate Stirrups offer ample rider lower leg support, with flex sides, adjustable top to set the angle of your irons, and a nice weight so you aren’t digging for your irons constantly. 4.5″. In stainless with grey pads. In very used condition, showing a bit of wear to the pads. Per MDC:

The MDC Intelligent Stirrups® are a revolutionary new stirrup design that positions your stirrups where you want them. You select any of three preset stirrup positions: traditional, 45 degrees or 90 degrees. The preset angle of the MDC Ultimate Stirrups improves leg, calf and foot position, relieves pressure on hips, knees and ankles, and reduces leg burns. The MDC Intelligent Stirrups® are easily retrievable, making your performance more precise and much safer.

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs



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