Iconoclast Large Front Ortho Support Boots


Here is a pair of front Iconoclast Orthopedic Support Boots for a crazy good deal! In black and size LARGE with great adjustability. In excellent, hardly used condition showing just a teeny bit of hair and arena dust. Heavy duty, lightweight, with heavy velcro closure. Per Iconoclast:

The Iconoclast Orthopedic Support Boots feature patented Double Sling Straps, which supply unparalleled lateral support to the suspensory branches. Iconoclast boots are the only horse support boots that truly lift and cradle the equine leg. The boots are designed to reduce joint interference and restriction, allowing the full range of motion. Use them every day while riding to aid in the prevention of soft tissue damage of the lower legs, regardless of the discipline.

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs



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