5″ Sliester Custom Made Sweet Iron Colt Bit


We love Sliester bits. Sliester bits have a long lasting reputation in the western world for being quality, long lasting, and attractive bits. Usually, you can identify a Sliester from a mile away, as they have a ‘look’ that is iconic to them. However, they did produce some custom bits buts its rare to see them on the used market. This one is a custom piece in a ‘colt bit’ style, with a forward set and thicker diameter sweet iron mouth that is very similar to a Sweetwater mouth, offering ample tongue relief without too much correction. This mouth is a popular transition bit for colt starting. The shanks are rounded, more refined, and short at just 7″.  Marked Sliester on the inside of the shank. In excellent, hardly used condition. You likely won’t see one like this again. Cowhorse legal! Show ready! This one will last into the next generation!

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs


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