15″ Freedom Gaited Trail Saddle w/ Tack


This is such a cool saddle, but don’t let the word ‘gaited’ scare you away, this tree is great for many different horses! From Freedom Saddlery, the Freedom Wide Trail Saddle is made for horse and rider comfort in mind. On the “Freedom” Tree, specially designed by this company to be close contacted, have good rock to the bars, and specially designed for more angular and shorter back horses. Stamped Wide Fit/Wide Tree, but doesn’t fit like a Full QH Bars. Measuring 7″ (think QH bar width), with a shorter tree in the front (Arab Bars), which is a great option for horses with strong and deep shoulders, while not compromising wither clearance. Has plenty of width through the tree, so great for those horses cosplaying as a propane tank. Great rock to the bars, too. Super deep seat that has memory foam padding, measuring 15″ but does fit a teeny bit smaller with the 3.5″ cantle. Lower profile, A Fork style swells and 2″ trail horn on a very short skirt that measures just 24″. In skirt dropped rigging to open up the shoulder, black leather that is butter soft, and plenty of strings and rings. Upgraded Jeremiah Watt hardware, free swinging fenders with plenty to adjustment, and real wool underside. This saddle is the real deal! Purchased new, ridden in exactly twice, and the only thing keeping us from calling this saddle “demo” is a teeny bit of dust around the edges. SOMEHOW this saddle gets even better!!! It comes with lots of upgrades and tack! This awesome saddle comes with: Contoured Wool Saddle Pad ($250 purchase price), matching breast collar ($150 purchase price), all leather latigos with half breed off side latigo ($100 purchase price), extra long rear cinch billets ($100 purchase price), leather back cinch with come along ($150 purchase price),  bucking rolls ($150 purchase price), 2x rear billet pouches ($100 purchase price), 30″ Weaver Mohair Cinch ($85 purchase price), extra rings and saddle strings ($70 purchase price), rope attachment ($25 purchase price), matching black quick change headstall and split reins ($195 purchase price) and wedge stirrups ($75 purchase price). Seriously, this package is the real deal and a heck of a price when you start adding up all these extra goodies. The cinch-which has been used like four times, is the most ‘used’ of the lot! Get a darn nice saddle for less than retail and without the 6-8 month wait!

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 35 lbs
Dimensions 26 × 24 × 24 in










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